TTV气动**偏心蝶阀 工作压力:≤25BAR 法兰连接:DIN2501-PN10/16/25-ANSI 150 LBS 设计标准:EN593 GB/T 12238 公称直径:DN65-DN300 应用范围:石油、化工、食品、医药、能源等 适用温度:-79℃至180℃(可因材料不同而变化) 结构长度:GB/T 12221 J3系列 ISO 5752 Short,series 16 BS5155 Wafer Short∕Medium DIN 3202 Part3,series K3 *法兰:ISO 5211 阀体材质:碳钢、不锈钢 阀板材质:碳钢、不锈钢 阀杆材质:不锈钢 阀座材质:PTFE 传动方式:手动、蜗动、电动、 气动、液动、电液联动等 泄漏等级:PATEA EN 12266-2(零泄漏﹚ Our Company has been inspected by several inspection companies,certifying our products for deliveries to different countries of the world. 我们公司已经通过了许多地区质量检验机构的认证,证明我们的产品可以发往**. GENERALITIES We have twenty-five years’experience manufacturing butterfly valves,which allows us to offer a highly specialized product that has been tested in all industry sectors. The quality of our valves is fully gusrsnteed,thanks to the technical advice we receive while choosing ma-terials and the hydrostatic tests we carry out on all the products prior to delivery.Our prod-ucts have the typical advantages of butterfly valves,as well as other additional advantages which have been obtained during these last twenty-five years of reseach and development. -Reduced size and weight. -Quick assembly and disassembly. -Easy operation and electric,pneumatic and hydraulic automation. -Self-cleaning,no maintenance required. -Complete tightness and minimal pressure drop. --Single-piece shaft without bolts. 概述 我们拥有二十五年的蹀阀制造经验,这也使我们能够向您提供**的产品,这些产品都是已经在各个领域经受了考验,我们的阀门有**的质量**,因为我们在选用材料方面做到更科学,并且在所有产品出厂前都通过严格的液压测试.经过了二十五年的研发历程,我们的产品除了拥有蹀阀的所有典型优点外,还有其他许多优势: -体积小,重量轻 -安装,拆卸及操作简易 -方便的手动操作,电动,气动和液压自动化操作 -可自动清洁,*维护 -*密封,较大程度保压 -单件阀杆,不用插销. The separation between the flanges should allow free access to the valve with the disk half closed,so the rim is protected and the interference of the elastic rings is reduced during the installation,and the initial value when opening. 法兰之间的空隙应当允许阀板半关闭状态的阀门进入,这样 在安装过程中及初次打开阀门的时候阀座边缘将被保护着并且密封圈内侧将缩小. After aligning the valve with the tube flanges,and before tightening the bolts,the disk should be turned until it is completely open.lf it were closed it would twist the ring,so it would expand round the edge of the disk,which woukd create an excessively high torque in the initial opening:it coukd tear or be twisted out of shape permanently. 在调整好阀门与管道法兰的位置后及旋紧螺栓之前,阀板应置于*打开位置.如果阀板处于关闭状态,密封圈可能被扭曲,挤压膨胀并包住阀板边缘,在初次打开造成较大的力矩.阀座可能因此被撕扯.扭曲造成*性的损害. Las bridas insuficientemente separadas pueden deteriorar el anillo elastico.if the flanges are not sufficiently separated they could damage the elsdtic ring. 在安装蹀阀时,如果法兰未能给予蹀阀充分的空间将会损坏密封圈. 双偏心阀门的金属密封在高温环境下比橡胶封圈密闭性更好. 网址 传真:0371-86006138